Monday, 29 June 2015


Hello. My name is Laura, I'm 22 years old and have suffered from psoriasis for five years.
My psoriasis covers the whole of my body. Wherever there is skin there are flaky red spots of itchiness: my scalp, my face, my ears, my arms, my hands, my tummy, my back, my private parts, my legs and my feet... you get the picture... and in case you don't I thought I'd post a picture. As you can see one of the photos is of my back/bum (a little bit cheeky, I know- see what i did there), I apologise if this offends anyone, this is probably my my most extensively affected area where you can see the millions of spots most clearly but if you would like me to take it down you can let me know on here or email me at

I'm not too certain of what type of psoriasis I have actually got. I think it is plaque psoriasis due to the fact that it's not disappeared yet and the amount of coverage although the spots themselves look like guttate psoriasis. Despite all the different gp's and dermatologists I have seen I have never actually found out...although I haven't asked to be fair.  Anyhow I've got some sort of psoriasis and I'm currently going through the incredibly frustrating and long process of trying to get a referral to a dermatologist to start treatment, I'm sure any sufferer can empathise with how stressful this process is (I've been trying to get this referral sorted since february and it is now june and my condition continues to worsen). In the mean time I thought I'd be more proactive instead of simply being a moaning myrtle and do a bit of further research into the various different lotions, potions and apparent remedies. I've trialled many in the past but never really properly monitored the effect of different so called solutions and I've only ever really stuck to what the doctor's prescribed. I therefore arrived at the logical modern day conclusion to start a blog where I will try a combination of psoriasis aids for a set period of time (depending on the recommended improvement time for what I am trialling) and review my progress and my assessment of the product/ method used. I'm hoping this will help people filter out all the ineffective products as well as all the rubbish that is available and the producers of money- making gimmicks preying on people desperate for something to alleviate their symptoms. On the other hand i'm also hoping to stumble across some really great products and ideas which I can highlight.

I am fully aware that psoriasis is a complex skin disease, I know it effects everyone differently according to severity and type and that the impact of treatments affect everyone differently. All I know is that mine is incredibly stubborn and somewhat severe. I have tried suff that people have claimed to be that often mentioned miracle cure only to left angry and upset that it hasn't worked for me...and sometimes also left out of pocket. All I can do is try and if it does helps someone else then that will make me very happy. I'm also going to be documenting my daily thoughts and delve more into the psychological and emotional issues and just general stuff related to psoriasis in the section entitled 'dear diary'. I'll be keeping it separate from this main page which will focus on the treatments and their results, as you can probably tell by now I'm a bit of a rambler and I'm sure you have better things to do than try and sift through the thoughts of a crazed young woman. I've included it simply because I really have enjoyed reading how psoriasis has impacted people on other blogs, not in a sadistic way, I just find it inspiring, reassuring, interesting and helpful to know that other people are going through the same thing. Some of the hardest things I've found about the skin disease is how little people know about it, how no one I know has it, and how difficult it is to convey how difficult psoriasis is to live with.

There is a high chance that not a single soul is even reading this however should there be then I would love for you to say hi! Another reason for creating this blog is to meet fellow sufferers- because we really do suffer sometimes- and it would be just brilliant to acquire some new friends.
I also realise that there probably is no cure for this lifelong condition, but writing about new things to try makes me hopeful.
I'm excited to share my search with you!


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