Sunday, 16 August 2015


-EURAX LOTION 100ML : 4/10
Night time can sometimes be hell for me. I can be absolutely exhausted but my itchiness will often prevent me from getting much needed rest. One of the many cruel ironies of psoriasis: a good sleeping routine is said to be beneficial for the immune system but it's very hard to get one when nightmare itching is actually a reality. 
I normally just reapply my moisturiser over and over and over again but find it to be ineffective if I'm just itching it off again so I'm on a mission to find a product to help...unfortunately my first attempt wasn't too successful, but not a complete disaster.
First, I must say that the lotion form isn't that great to apply when it's 3:00am and you don't want to leave the confines your comfy and warm bed to alleviate the itching fit that has suddenly overcome you. Both the consistency and smell reminded me of camomile lotion meaning it went everywhere when I tried to apply it whilst remaining left me with greasy looking bedsheets.
Also I must point out that psoriasis isn't listed on the front as one of the things it stops itching for but I thought I would give it a go (it was also in the clearance for £2 so why not?).
As I had already started the itching before applying I often had lesions that were bleeding or cut and I was then subject to an EXTREME stinging which was very unpleasant and is one of the main reasons I wouldn't recommend this product. 
On the other hand, for some reasons it's effects were rather arbitrary, some night it worked really well and I would kiss the bottle goodnight before falling into a deep continuous sleep. Some nights though I would still be tossing and turning for a few hours feeling even more uncomfortable with the stinging sensation. 
It's good value for money but it's results aren't consistent and can't be relied upon which isn't ideal for psoriasis sufferers. I think I will try the cream version of this as I think it will be more psoriasis friendly. 
( £4.40

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