Monday, 13 June 2016


When I first got to see a dermatologist I was advised to try slightly heating some olive oil to massage into my scalp. For some reason I always dismissed it and thought it had no chance of penetrating my stubborn scales but now I'm willing to try anything. And since i was trying it on my scalp i thought I may as well try it on the rest of my skin too. 
First things first I'm not sure if you're supposed to use a certain type of medicinal olive oil rather than just your average cheap bottle of extra virgin from sainsburys but ah well, if i find out that there is a difference then I shall go back to the drawing board and try again. 
OK so as a moisturiser for my skin it worked quite horrendously. It was a nightmare to massage into my skin, it smelt of olives and I felt all slippery. I found that my skin was beginning to itch again before it had all absorbed into my skin and it didn't help to reduce redness at all. I think it aggravated my skin more actually. HOWEVER when it came to my scalp it was a different story.
Granted I hate applying oils to my scalp because it can be difficult to know if it's actually reached your scalp if like me you're a hairy one. And there's that not so little problem of trying to wash it out of your hair. BUT I did find it to be quite soothing and that after combing my hair loads of flakes came out also. I definitely would not recommend trying to use this if you have places to be within 24 hours of application as your hair will be greasy and snowy & I'd also recommend to be gentle to your delicate scalp when it comes to massaging and combing. I'll use this for my scalp again ... just not as a moisturiser! 

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